While there are many personal benefits to travelling, there are also a number of business benefits of travel. There has been one thing that has driven me from an early age and that is the need or want to travel. I have had wanderlust since my early teen years. Every time I looked up and saw a plane flying overhead, my first thought was to wonder where it was coming from and where it was going. Even as a kid, I loved going to the airport and seeing the planes taking off and landing. It gave me butterflies to think of flying someplace exotic. 

As time has gone by, I have had the opportunity through work and through pure pleasure of visiting over 40 countries. The cultures, traditions and various languages of each country I have visited have enriched me beyond words. I have a teenage son who has travelled to quite a few countries with me, which has made travelling even more rewarding.

Business Benefits of Travel

The experience of going somewhere completely different from home is one you will never forget or regret. While recreational travel is always an incredible experience, travelling can also help you in your business. There are a number of business benefits of travel that can help you grow your business while you enjoy your adventures around the world. 

One of these benefits is the chance to forge relationships on a global scale. Meeting new people is vital to us as humans who need connection. Getting out of your comfort zone can be a great way to find and nurture new relationships and extend your network. 

Another benefit is that you will learn to adapt to any challenge. As rewarding as travel is, it is not without its share of frustrations. Lost luggage, missed flights, hotel booking problems, getting lost, not understanding local languages, and many other things can test your patience. These situations also make you more equipped to handle the challenges you face within your business, however. Patience, perseverance, agility, and the ability to adapt are skills you will use forever. Travelling can also boost your creativity, taking you out of your usual comfort zone and opening your mind to new experiences and encouraging you to innovate and learn.

I always encourage people to travel, see the world and meet diverse cultures. I’m not planning to stop travelling any time soon – especially with the business benefits of travel that I have enjoyed on every trip.